Extended Abstract

For paper submission, please follow TFSC submission guideline, available at https://www.elsevier.com/journals/technological-forecasting-and-social-change/0040-1625/guide-for-authors.
    General Information
  • Extended abstract should not exceed a total of 5 pages and at least 2000 words, inclusive of up to two pages of references and any charts, graphs, diagrams, etc.
  • Please use single spacing and 10-point font or bigger.
  • Paper may be formatted in one column or two columns.
  • Please submit your abstract in PDF format. MS Word will also be accepted.
  • The title entered in the submission system form should match the title listed in the header of each page in the proposal document. This title should not exceed 15 words.
  • References are required and must be included in the document.
  • Submissions must be accompanied by a 125-word abstract for inclusion in the Conference Program. It will be entering directly into the submission form, so it does not need to include in the abstract/full paper document.
  • Only submissions through the online submission system will be accepted.
  • To preserve anonymity, author names should NOT identify in header/footer or in the body of the proposal document. Instead, Names will be entering into the online submission form.
  • If you are not the sole author of a proposal, you must list all co-authors in the online submission form in the order of contribution.
  • Maximum of 2 papers/abstracts, either as an author or a co-author, may be submitted.
  • A confirmation letter will be sent after your abstract is successfully submitted. Extended Abstract
  • You could choose whether you would like your extended abstract/full paper to be included in the conference proceedings via the submission system.
  • * Please read through the information above before submission.